
Industries using Mapgraph Environment

Water Supply

Regional and local waterworks are using MAPGRAPH Drinking Water to monitor raw water and drinking water quality, for audits and to report authorities and to provide information to customers and the public at large.

Wastewater and Treatment Plants

Wastewater plants use Mapgraph in optimizing operational issues and plant performance. Easy access to lab results and trending of parameters provides overview and production control. Mapgraph Reports facilitate information to authorities according to permits.

Consulting Engineers

Consulting engineering companies adopt Mapgraph in their consulting business, adding cloud services to their data acquisition from external and internal laboratories as well as all kinds of IoT, data loggers, and metering stations. Mapgraph enhances services rendered, and saves time and investments in their environmental projects.

Public sector – Water environment authorities

Cities, towns, councils, and municipalities monitor their local environment of vulnerable lakes and rivers, watercourses, and streams, sometimes adjacent to industrial and residential areas with conflicts of interest.

Waste Management and Landfill Sites

Landfill sites use MapGraph to document leachate effluents, real-time calculation of water balance for the area, and waste management.

EnviTech Waste and Landfill

Food Production Facilities

MAPGRAPH Food Safety offers the food industry a complete, web-based solution for monitoring the environment, cleaning, water, and products for microbiological and chemical parameters.

Food Safety tuna