MAPGRAPH Drinking Water Quality

MAPGRAPH Drinking Water is a cloud service for monitoring and documenting water quality. The service includes continuous import of data from all laboratories and efficient management of lab results. A Portal module allow customers to check water quality at their geo location from a map solution embedded in the organisation homepages.

MAPGRAPH Drinking Water saves time and resources, ensures continuity with alternating staff, and contributes to effective quality management. Data is validated on an ongoing basis and deviations are notified. You always have access to your test results, and data is-are easily shared between colleagues and customers.

MAPGRAPH Drinking Water Portal

The MAPGRAPH Drinking Water Portal is seamlessly embedded in the company home page, for easy access by the public and other stakeholders. Extract reports and graphs on water quality history at your desired location.

Click it to access the results of all water samples taken from this waterwork, in graphs or tables, within the selected time frame. Rings with numbers represent clusters of test points, being accessible when zoom-in is applied. The actual test points are small red rings. Tap on such a ring in your neighborhood to get the results of the water samples taken at this one point.

Easy start-up

We set up continuous imports from laboratories and all kinds of data sources, and we keep new data coming. We set up the reports and dashboards as you like them. Your role is to ensure the set-up meets your requirements, and then proceed with your professional use and evaluation of data, monitoring water quality and the environment.

  • Mapgraph continuously assembles your lab data from all laboratories into one archive, whether it is your own internal lab or external laboratories.
  • Trending your water quality data is accessible online immediately after lab results is imported.
  • Mapgraph Drinking Water Quality complies with The UK Water Supply Regulations and The EU Drinking Water Directive.
  • An audience portal for the public at large may be seamlessly integrated into your home page. Your customers and the public at large may access data on-a-click.

Save time with The Drinking Water Quality Portal

The Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2016, Regulation 35 states that
Any person may request a relevant supplier to send them a copy of any record maintained by the relevant supplier under regulation 34, and the relevant supplier must, within 7 days of the receipt of the request, send a copy of the record requested to the person.

The Portal saves time in providing your customers with self-served access to continuously updated drinking water data in their neighbourhood. With a map-based, graphical user interface, the audience portal is both simple and exciting to use. The Portal is designed for seamless integration into the waterworks’ web pages – and into the local councils’ websites as well, at your preference.

Automated imports from all laboratories

MAPGRAPH is set up for the automatic import of data from laboratories. We import lab information from local labs in many countries. Imported data is validated and deviations are alerted to persons in charge.

MAPGRAPH Water Quality may also be set up with historical information at start, to facilitate long time trending from the beginning. New data are continuously imported and presented together with the historical data sets. So, already at start-up you will have access to effective diagrams and presentations that will provide an overview of the current state.

Ask us for more information on our MAPGRAPH LIMS*), an advanced solution for internal laboratories.
*) LIMS – Laboratory Information Management System

And startup requires no effort on your behalf

We set it up for you, and ensure a flying start. Take a look at our Services page.

See pricing and order information at
Veracity by Det Norske Veritas

See pricing and order information at Veracity by DNV

Drinking Water Portal